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Who I AM

Jeannette Carachi


Jeannette Carachi is an artist living in Queens, NY.  Born in 1976 in Santiago, Chile, her father was targeted for assassination by the dictatorship. Surrounded by fear, Jeannette found solace in art and nature. 


Jeannette’s family escaped to Argentina and later to Israel, where Jeannette found freedom to focus on art.  Her paintings, including “Galactica,” a nighttime scene of buildings collapsing beneath three moons, explore themes of hope above disaster.  


After moving to Queens and witnessing the September 11th tragedy, Jeannette’s work turned to sketching in grayscale.  This dark period was broken after the birth of her daughter.


Jeannette draws on childhood memories of South America’s vegetation to create art such as “Rose from Eden.”  Her work reveals great reflection, with delicate lines creating vibrant patterns woven into vivid images of flowers, leaves, and seeds.  Jeannette’s art celebrates the tangible with a glimmer of otherworldly in nature.

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